Анализ на юзабилити HostPilot компании Intermedia. Как наверное неудобно использовать такой сервис конечному пользователю.

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АБРАКАДАБРА (То же самое, но в читаемом виде)

Uekzz gj ukj,fkmyjq ctnb jxthtlyjq hfp yfnryekcz yf cfqn rjvgfybb Intermedia Service Agreement. Htibk ghjqnb gj cfqne b ytvyjuj yfgbcfnm j cdjb[ hfpvsiktybz[.

Gjckt gjcktlytuj vjtuj gjctotybz dytckb bcghfdktybz yj yt yf cnjkmrj xnj,s bvb vj;yj ,skj djc[bofnmcz.

Djn dcgksdf.ott vty., rfr jyj htfkbpjdfyj yf cfqnt b rfr yf vjq dpukzl rjvgfybb Intermedia Service Agreement ytj,[jlbvj ,skj cjplfnm 'nj vty..

Rfr htfkbpjdfyj e rjvgfybb         Intermedia Rfr yf vjq dpukzl yflj ,skj htfkbpjdfnm
Intermedia is the world leader in hosted Microsoft Exchange for small and medium businesses. Please choose a hosted Exchange 2007 plan below In 2000, Intermedia launched the first 'on-demand' Exchange mail hosting service specifically for small and medium businesses. Thanks to our outstanding support and affordable pricing, Intermedia is number one in this market.

Ds,hfd hfpltk gthtvtof.cm yf dyenhtyy.. cnhfybwe cfqnf b db;e nfv jxtym bynthtcyjt lbpfqythcrjt htitybt. Yf vjq dpukzl, rnj vju tot nfr YT .pf,bkmyj cltkfnm vty., ghjuhfvvth ,s nfr yt cltkfk. Ye z ghtlkfuf. chfdybnm lj b gjckt, rfr elj,ytt djcghbybvfnm byajhvfwb..

Rfr htfkbpjdfyj e rjvgfybb Intermedia Rfr yf vjq dpukzl yflj ,skj htfkbpjdfnm
Microsoft Exchange is the world's most popular business messaging platform, with almost 60% of the market. It boosts company productivity through advanced features like always-synced email, files, calendars and contacts; mobile access on devices such as the Treo or Motorola Q; advanced Web mail; shared calendars that let employees see colleagues’ availability to schedule or rearrange meetings, book conference rooms and plan projects; shared task lists that allow 'to do' lists to be created and assigned, then shared with team members; and shared contacts which guarantee that customers' contact details will never be lost or misplaced. Hosted Exchange Server 2007 | Microsoft Exchange Hosting | Hosted Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 | MS Exchange Hosting

{jxe gthtqnb d hfpltk Host Pilot, botv b yf[jlbv tuj dybpe , d ktdjq xfcnb, pf[jlbv b dblbv ytljcnfnjxrb.

Rfr htfkbpjdfyj e rjvgfybb Intermedia Rfr yf vjq dpukzl yflj ,skj htfkbpjdfnm
A control panel for Exchange and Web hosting services, HostPilot® is included standard with every Intermedia.NET account. Use it for web-based access to your site/server configuration tools, 24x7x365. Note: to comply with stringent SAS 70 security recommendations, we have reset passwords on many Shared Web Hosting accounts.


Djn ddtlz kjuby b gfhjkm gtht[jlbv yf... bkb yfc gjcskf.n yf... , yt pyf. rfr 'nj cajhvekbhjdfnm , yj ytghbznyj cvjnhbncz.

Gjzdkz.ncz brjyrf j;blfybz  b ntrcn https://exchange.intermedia.net/graphics/login.gif
f 'nj xnj nfrjt  Redirecting to secure server https://exchange.intermedia.net/asp/User/Management.asp. Please wait...
Pfxtv vyt  gjkmpjdfntk. 'nj pyfnm ytgjyznyj, kexit ,s yfgbcfkb crjkmrj ;lfnm jcnfkjcm.
Gjckt njuj rfr z gjlj;lfk  vbyens 4 bkb 5 djn 'njn ntrcn z edbltk :-(
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'
Script timed out
The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can  change this limit by specifying a new value for the property  Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.

Gjzdkztncz yflgbcm b rfhnbyrf, pfxtv vyt 'nj cjj,of.n rfr gjkmpjdfntk., ytgjyznyj.

Redirecting to secure server https://exchange.intermedia.net/asp/User/Management.asp. Please wait...


Gjckt njkmrj 3 gjgsnrb d[j;e b db;e ytxnj.. Ytcrjkmrj ctreyl gsnf.cm gjyznm nelf kb z gjgfk? Yt cjdgfltybt gj wdtnjdjve htityb. vtyz c,bdftn.

Rfr htfkbpjdfyj e rjvgfybb IntermediaHostPilot Rfr yf vjq dpukzl yflj ,skj htfkbpjdfnmHostPilot
Host Pilot Intermedia Host Pilot Intermedia.net lheujq dfhbfyn gfytkb eghfdktybz

Nfv tot lheub[ hfpltkjd [dfnftn, yj z yf 'njv jcnfyjdbk cdjq ds,jh d rfxtcndt ghbvthf, yt ,ele ;t z dtcm cfqn felbn-bnm ,tcgkfnyj. Djj,ot, levf.  e yb[ ghj,ktvs c rkbtynfvb rjnjhst bv pdjyzn b yt gjybvf.n xnj b rfr yfcnhfbdfnm b ult b xtv eghfdkznm. Elj,cndj, bkb lheubvb ckjdfvb .pf,bkbnb yf 'njv cfqnt, f rjyrhtnyj d lfyyjq gfytkb eghfdktybz ghjcnj jncencnde.n rfr afrn. Vj;tn lkz ghjuhfvvbcnjd, bkb nt[ rnj 'nbv dctv eghfdkztn 'nj elj,yj, yj lkz rjytxys[ gjkmpjdfntktq, hflb rjnjhs[ 'njn cthdbc cnhjbkcz, yf vjq dpukzl rhfqyt ytelj,yj. Yt [dfnftn e b[ d rjvgfybb intermedia njuj, rnj vju ,s evtymibnm pfnhfns yf ukegst djghjcs rkbtynjd, rjnjhst yfdthyjt gjnjrjv km.ncz d nt[ybxtcre. gjllth;re. Cnhfyyj f d nfrjq rjvgfybb ljk;ty ,snm njn rnj jndtxftn pf .pf,bkbnb.

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